Football’s funniest family duo — Jason Kelce from the Philadelphia Eagles and Travis Kelce from the Kansas City Chiefs — team up to provide next-level access to life in the league as it unfolds. The two brothers and Super Bowl champions drop weekly insights about their games and share unique perspectives on trending NFL news and sports headlines. Plus, entertaining stories from a combined 21 years in the league, off-field interests, and engaging conversations with special guests.
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Just a it's just what he does. It's what he's been doing. He'll get, like, a nice bone in rib eye, cut it up, and dip it in ketchup. I'm pretty sure I've seen it before. Wow. He's real back on it a lot from from what I remember, but I've just seen that happen before. Steak houses that has like the Wagyu, like, steak in it. I think every place is in line now. Yeah. I can't tell you exactly. I know, we wanna keep it kinda, like, centered around Kansas City. And and Am I the only person I'm not sure if you might be. Yeah. I just I I've I've had it a few times. A few times. I've had it quite a few times, and it is fucking delicious. I can't just have a steak like a like a twelve ounce Wagyu steak. I can't That's what I mean. It's good for, like, 2 slices. Yeah. It's very rich in terms of its, like, savory, fatty flavor. Yeah. But that's why I usually get, like, a a big old rib eye or a big steak. You put that thing on a taco. Woo. You put that thing on, like, a burger. It's too much for a whole steak. State it just by itself is is a lot. I feel like I can just feel my arteries clogging as this stuff is dripping down my gauntlet. I'm not I just I don't know. You and the gauntlet is hilarious, man. Right? I'm a gallet. It's a good word. Yeah. No. I am I'm not sure what's on the menu. I'm not really even sure, what's gonna be specific to me and Pat in the restaurant, but we're definitely gonna put something together. We're excited about it. Shout out to Noble 33. Shout out to panning my homes and, shout out to Kansas City. We've been, we've been wanting to keep doing fun stuff for you guys in the community, and, hopefully, you guys can get excited for this one. There is a question from a 92% out there on club 92 from Mad Dog B41. Will Jason be providing the cows for Travis's new steakhouse? I can say
And I was just so honored to even be reached out to. And I was like, what Christmas song are they gonna wanna and then it was the it was the dreidel song. And then I heard it, and I was like, this is so good. And I didn't even wanna, like, do too much. I really barely did anything on it. I just introduced it and, like, really sang a few background vocals, but We loved every second of every song. You guys had it covered. And a true honor to to be I, like, I literally I wrote down sometimes, like, I write down cool things that I can say as a rapper in the future. Yeah. And I wrote down that I was on a song with you. No way. So that might come in a rap later. Oh my gosh. We need it. We need it. That. What is, what did you think of how I Rosemond? Do you think he has a future in the music industry? Well, before we get to the, very professional interview you're about to do with Lil Dicky, we're gonna start with a little, as we always do, new news. New news. That's right. Do you have any news? And you want one of his was new news? In your own style? New news. That That was gangster. Thank you. That was gangster. Right off the bat. That was good. Dave Lou Dave, latest news. We both teach fans of Dave, obviously. Yeah. It was recently announced that you're taking an extended hiatus from the show. Yeah. And, you've also just released your new album, Penith, which is, I believe, a soundtrack from David. That's right. Can you share, what you're doing next? Yeah. You know, I obviously love the show. It's a dream to make that show. That's so cool, man. Thank you. And I'm thrilled that you guys even watch it. But, no. It just, like, there's so many things I wanna do just whether it's making music, writing movies, you know, developing other shows that, like, when I'm making the show every season, the amount of work that a season takes is truly it's unbelievable. I didn't even expect it. I'm a hardworking business that You're hands on too. I am hands on. I think it's because I'm so hands on that that it causes all the work. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Because, you know, in the right I'm in the writer's room and then I'm like in every scene and then I'm like the guy editing it. Like You're writing, producing, directing, editing. Yeah. Yeah. That's a lot of hassle. Bang. The whole
Overall, you know, kind of inventory Yes. Of what I've created in show business. And I think this is the important thing is to be able to go and to do kind of like a movie like Conan the Barbarian Mhmm. Where you expose yourself and your body's out there and then you do a science fiction movie like, you know, Terminator and then you are number 1 in that. Yep. Then you go to do something like a comedy like Twins and then you're number 1 in that in the box office. Just checking out where? And gross, you know, Almost $300,000,000 So this really great, great victories. Or then to go to like for instance with Netflix to do FUPA, to go for the first time in the TV series and then that being number 1. So there was the so I celebrate a lot of great, great victories, I have to say, with some defeats. No two ways about that. If it's in bodybuilding, I had my victories. In weightlifting, I had my victories, but I also had my defeats in bodybuilding and in weightlifting and powerlifting and all those kind of things and in movies so it's so bad. And in my personal life so I mean so you know you go through that and you have your ups and downs. Yeah. Absolutely. You never put yourself in a box though. That's what I always admired. You were never, like, nervous or seem scared to, like, jump into a new world, something that you weren't known for. And I think that is the the biggest thing that I took out of, like, just your overall professionalism in all sports entertainment politics is that you always found a way to relate to people and show people that you could do it. Well, yeah. You know, I was I I love challenges. Yeah. And I think that you guys too. Yes. I think that you you love God, man. I love how does that I love the hardest challenges too. This stuff, but you guys do. It's like really, really challenging. And so I love challenges. I love when someone says, oh, this is really risky. I don't know to do twins because, you know, either the people love to see in action movies, but I don't know if they will go for it that you're in a comedy. Yeah. And, of course, they say, okay, so don't pay me. I said, don't pay me. Just make me be part owner of the film. And who had the last
Sure did shell out for sake 1 Barclay. Yeah, man. And I think you hit it off right away. Your daughter became the star of the show. Jada asked if you're going to win now, now that you're on the Eagles. Yeah. That that see, I I like to put a tweet out about that. First of all, it's funny. You know? Right. You have you have grown men and women on social media arguing with a 5 year old. That's right. Put out there. But, like Wow. It's funny how the media turns stories. Like, I told that story. If anything, for my teammates know that or my former teammates, like DJ, Slay. Like, at the time, like, I told my teammates that story because it was more embarrassing for me, and they took it like I'm trying to throw a shot at the Giants. Like, I'm telling you a story that my daughter was getting her ass beat by the Eagles so bad and so much in my career that they're like, my my daughter's seen the the pain and it caused me coming home. They're like my daughter's like, oh, are we actually gonna win now? Yeah. Like, and everyone tried to spin it like it's a shot. Gonna spin it saying. Like, it's a shot at the at the Giants fan, but it's like it's just that made no that made no sense. And I'm just I've been noticing recently, you know, just don't respond. Just Yeah. No. You gotta yeah. You gotta work with it. You always gotta take the high road. Like, everybody who has a daughter or any kids realizes, man, sometimes things just come out, and it's natural, and it's hilarious. And Yeah. I thought that was coming it was like a coming to, like, full circle moment for me. For sure. Telling that story. I thought it was a pretty cool story. It's like, damn. Like, this I had this moment with my daughter. Obviously, it was embarrassing moment for me. And then, you know, here we are. And then everyone was just like, oh, he's throwing shots at the Giants. And I'm like, alright, man. Like, it's not even that deep. It really is. Yeah. I feel you on that. Jason's oldest, Wyatt, knows AJ Brown as, his pink cleats on the field. Do you like his pink shoes? Yeah. Nice. Do you have any fun like, your family, man, do you have any fun, like, traditions with, with your kids before or on game days? Yeah. Me and my daughter have have a handshake. A handshake? Nice. We do a little handshake, but we do our little
Nope. Like, one of those never got, like, chopped off or something? Maybe. They do balance on that thing. Dude, they do a lot with that thing. I guess if I'm picking any animal's legs in this scenario, I'm gonna go with elephant. Elephant legs. It's got it's got height, it's got power. They're pretty fast. What what other animals got better legs than an elephant? I'm not gonna lie. Michael Oster's, dude. Those things are fast, man. The knees go backwards, Travis. You're just asking for something bad to happen. No. No. No. No. It means You're gonna come at this thing with some bird legs? What you Dude, not just some bird legs. One of the fastest fucking birds you've ever seen in your life. It's fast because it's light though. You're not light. Those those legs will crumple under the weight of Travis Kelsey. Fuck. Yeah. You're right. That knee direction only makes sense on something that's got minimal mass up top. Feathers? How how much does ostrich weigh? We gotta digress here. We're getting too dumb. We're going too dumb. We're going too dumb. Yeah. We're going too far dumb. I mean, yeah, I guess you're in the range. A 140 to £320 is a male ostrich. And if you took out your legs, you're probably in that that range. Yeah. Well, you're in the range already, but you're on the lower end of that range if you take away your your lower half mass and put some little ass ostrich legs on you. Give me the man on top of the horse. No. We just said that. You don't get to have minotaurs are not you don't get that. You're like, you know what you are. You remember the movie Hercules? Okay. No take backs. No take backs. He took horse. You are like the mythological creature in Hercules. The one that had, like, the little, legs. So when when he plays them? No. It's not Pegasus. I forget what it's called. But Not a Pegasus. It had goat legs. Oh, he had a goat legs. No. Those those weren't horse legs. But same same thing. What? No. I'm just you're the same thing, but you got horse legs. I gotta be short and stumpy like that? No. You're you're still tall because it's horse legs, not goat legs, but you only get the 2. So who'd you go with? You went with elephant legs? Elephant. Should go with crab legs. We'd had some armor.